




及时参加了2021年联合国气候变化会议(COP26) - 现在在苏格兰格拉斯哥 -已经发布了非凡的实践指南有两个主要部分:第1部分,有关如何运行建筑实践的指南,以及更普遍的兴趣;第2部分,项目设计指南。但是在此之前,它始于概述该行业及其碳足迹的重要性。

“As the earth’s life support systems come under increasing threat, we also know that construction is responsible for over 40% of global CO2 emissions, (see Fig. 1) yet the scale and intensity of urban development, infrastructure and building construction globally continues to expand, resulting in greater greenhouse gas generation and loss of habitat each year. Current ways of regulating building performance and construction have not achieved significant reductions in carbon emissions from buildings. "


“For everyone working in construction and the built environment sector, meeting the needs of our societies within the earth’s ecological boundaries will demand a paradigm shift in practice. If we are to reduce and eventually reverse the environmental damage we are causing, we will need to re-imagine our buildings, cities and infrastructures as indivisible components of a larger, constantly regenerating, and self-sustaining system."





“30 years of conventional design accompanied by limited levels of ‘sustainable’ design have not got us even remotely near where we need to be. Indeed, the very term ‘sustainable’ has been hijacked and overused resulting in the continuation of business as usual...Current goals/economics are based on infinite growth, linear resource use, and a view of nature as something to be plundered, it is this kind of thinking that has led to the emergency we find ourselves in. We need to move on from the current paradigm of merely targeting Sustainable design, which often simply mitigates negatives, into the realm of Regenerative design which strives for a net positive impact of our projects."


“We can no longer afford the current practices of pursuing goals that simply reduce environmental impacts, nor can we continue to simply avoid reaching the theoretical limits of ecosystems’ carrying capacity. This practice is insufficient as a driving force for the required changes. This approach of reduction and curtailment has proven ineffectual as it is not motivational and does not, in principle, extend beyond the logical end-point of net zero impact. We need to inspire people to work to restore and regenerate the biosphere, sequester billions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere every year and seek out significantly more efficient uses of resources, especially non-renewables."



这就是为什么文档如此重要的原因。它以更高的再生设计解释开始。摇篮的建筑师兼合着者曾将可持续性设计描述为“ 100%糟糕”。他还几年前开玩笑关于可持续性一词的无聊和无意义,说:“谁只想简单地'可持续'婚姻?人类肯定可以渴望更多。”这无疑是Architects声明的渴望:

“我们迫切需要转向新的范式,而且我们中的许多人都辩论了什么是可持续性的最终目标,现在是时候问自己如何在再生设计中表现出色。much more than ‘sustainability with all the bolts tightened up’—it requires some fundamentally different starting points."


  • 能量,全活碳和圆形
  • 体现碳
  • 循环和浪费
  • 改造
  • 材料
  • 运营能量和碳
  • 低能服务和可再生能源

然后是关于生态,生物多样性,水,气候正义,社区,健康,韧性的部分。它涵盖了一切 - 在我让大学将课程标题更改为再生设计之后,我很可能会用它作为我的可持续设计讲座的教科书。这是一个了不起的文件,以附录,页面长时间结束,并带有宝贵的链接和出色的资源,我经常指出。并从结论中鼓舞人心:

“The next decade will be critical for safeguarding life on our planet and establishing resilient communities where humanity can thrive. As architects, we can be at the forefront of that work, as we shape people’s lives through the places they live, work and play."

