



小克拉伦斯·埃克森(Clarence Eckerson)的“ StreetFilms”常客在TreeHugger多年,通常关于纽约市街头自行车生活的简短故事。他的最新作品几乎是13分钟的长度,这一切都与货物自行车蓬勃发展有关。他指出,“过去很少见,但是过去五年的存在无疑是在上升,自2020年Covid-19击中以来,人们一直在戏剧化。”



"Actually we purposely travel on slower streets, ones with nice bike lanes or our NEW 1st ever bike blvd!! So for most of our trips I’d say no, though there are occasional times you get angry. I think most parents go slower with kids, take few risks and find safer (even if longer routes) i mean I can’t recall in 10+ years hearing about some seriously being injured or killed on a cargo bike with a kid."

埃克森(Eckerson)指出了一个较早的视频,该视频显示了一些出色的新自行车基础设施,任何人都会感到安全地骑行 - 因此,事情显然正在抬头。


"Right now I’m sure the structures they’ve done wouldn’t fit a cargo bike but they are expanding fast and getting good contracts to build many more structures in buildings according to their tweets. I know they have numerous types of structures—some bigger and some smaller—they already have schematics for and they are supposedly building new bike parking in large apt complexes being planned or under construction. So i think the Oonee reference is in general to say we need more bike parking and more types for all bikes."


"Winter: I find most of these folks are pretty hardcore though I’ll say yesterday in 15 windchill (lowest temp I have ever ridden) I had to ride my bike 10 miles for a service to repair brakes and there were noticeably fewer people biking in NYC. I think 35-40 degrees no longer limits folks but once you go below that (we’ve had some awfully cold days here) it kind of is a factor."

