Fairtrade International获得最有效标签的奖品



Fairtrade International经历了艰难的几年。最大,最知名的香蕉,巧克力,咖啡,茶,棉花和许多其他产品的认证者因未能维护生产商和购物者所期望的可持续发展水平而受到抨击。作为我去年夏天写,“人们普遍认为,公平贸易不再削减它,它并没有提供使最低商品价格和年度保费值得的切实福利。”


然而,本月,公平贸易国际的报仇。它在公平世界项目发布的一份报告中排名第一,标题为“国际公平贸易标签指南,“分析并比较了八个公平贸易和道德标签。选择这些标签进行分析,因为它们在公平贸易运动中都具有明显的信誉,并且在市场货架上广泛使用。在报告中,Fairtrade International(FI)赢得了最高水平。在45个类别中的31个中,有31个标记 - 比任何其他全球标签都要多。” FI发布的新闻稿:

"Fairtrade International, including its U.S. chapter, Fairtrade America, received high scores in many categories, including the organization’s key areas of impact – protecting the environment via energy, waste and water management; strengthening workers’ rights and prevention of forced labor; advocating for gender equality and rights for disadvantaged, minority and indigenous groups; and fighting poverty through its unique premium payment structure that enables democratic decision making in Small Producer Organizations and Hired Labor Organizations."

"Fairtrade International, including its U.S. chapter, Fairtrade America, received high scores in many categories, including the organization’s key areas of impact – protecting the environment via energy, waste and water management; strengthening workers’ rights and prevention of forced labor; advocating for gender equality and rights for disadvantaged, minority and indigenous groups; and fighting poverty through its unique premium payment structure that enables democratic decision making in Small Producer Organizations and Hired Labor Organizations."




FI也不会停止努力改善自己。In the words of CEO Dario Soto Abril, "We are honored that Fairtrade International continues to be recognized as a global leader in sustainability and ethical standards. But we’re never complacent. We know there is still much more to do before we achieve trade justice, including decent incomes for workers and producers, which we are actively working to achieve."

分析的其他公平贸易标签是ATE(公平与可持续旅游协会),BioparteNaire,公平生活,公平贸易,美国公平贸易,Naturall Fair,小型生产商的符号(SPP)和世界公平贸易组织(WFTO)。阅读完整报告这里