The Benefits of Aluminum Recycling

Adam Gault/OJO Images/Getty Images


So why recycle aluminum? Well, as a starting point for answering that question, how about this: Aluminum recycling provides many beplay体育官网电脑environmental, economic and community benefits; it saves energy, time, money and precious natural resources; and it generates jobs and helps to pay for community services that make life better for millions of people.

How serious is the problem?

More than 100 billion aluminum cans are sold in the United States each year, but less than half are recycled. A similar number of aluminum cans in other countries are also incinerated or sent to landfills.

That adds up to about 1.5 million tons of wasted aluminum cans worldwide every year. All of those trashed cans have to be replaced with new cans made entirely from virgin materials, which wastes energy and causes extensive beplay体育官网电脑environmental damage.


在全球范围内,铝制行业每年发出数百万吨温室气体such as carbon dioxide, which contributes to全球暖化。Although aluminum cans represent only 1.4% of a ton of garbage by weight, according to the Container Recycling Institute, they account for 14.1% of the greenhouse gas impacts associated with replacing an average ton of garbage with new products made from virgin materials.

Aluminum smelting also produces sulfur oxide and氮氧化物,两种有毒气体是关键元素烟雾酸雨


How Many Times the Same Piece of Aluminum Can Be Recycled

There is no limit to how many times aluminum can be recycled. That's why recycling aluminum is such a boon for the beplay体育官网电脑environment. Aluminum is considered a sustainable metal, which means it can be recycled again and again with no loss of material.


The Energy People Save by Recycling Aluminum

Recycling aluminum saves 90% to 95% of the energy needed to make aluminum from bauxite ore. It doesn't matter if you're making aluminum cans, roof gutters or cookware, it is simply much more energy-efficient to recycle existing aluminum to create the aluminum needed for new products than it is to make aluminum from virgin natural resources.

So how much energy are we talking about here? Recycling one pound of aluminum (33 cans) saves about 7 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity. With the energy it takes to make just one new aluminum can from bauxite ore, you can make 20 recycled aluminum cans.

Putting the energy question into even more down-to-earth terms, the energy saved by recycling one aluminum can is enough to power a television set for three hours.


The opposite of saving energy is wasting it. Toss an aluminum can into the trash instead of recycling it, and the energy required to replace that discarded resource with new aluminum from bauxite ore is enough to keep a 100-watt incandescent light bulb burning for five hours or to power the average laptop computer for 11 hours, according to the Container Recycling Institute.




Aluminum Recycled Every Year



We may be recycling more aluminum every year, but things could still be a lot better. According to the beplay体育官网电脑Environmental Defense Fund, Americans throw away so much aluminum that every three months we could collect enough scrap to rebuild the entire U.S. commercial airplane fleet from the ground up. That's a lot of wasted aluminum.

Globally, more than half of all the aluminum cans produced and sold every year are thrown away and never recycled, which means they have to be replaced by new cans made from virgin materials.


每年,铝业行业都要为可回收的铝罐支付近十亿美元的费用 - 这笔钱可以用于支持人居中的人居署和美国男孩女孩俱乐部,以及赞助商可以开车的当地学校和教堂或正在进行的铝回收计划。

How to Increase Aluminum Recycling
