


凯瑟琳·瀑布(Catherine Falls)商业 /盖蒂图像

这些是艰难的时期,但是在Treehugger上,我们总是看着生活的光明。玻璃饱满,或者在这种情况下是水槽。看来碳沉没了 - 如果我们停止添加二氧化碳(CO2),那么碳,大气和大气碳的其他天然吸收剂的自然现象应该可以快速冷却气候。

在举办的研讨会上现在涵盖气候(CCNOW),一个支持气候新闻业的组织,CCNOW联合创始人兼执行董事Mark Hertsgaard总结了这种情况。赫特斯加德说,据成绩单

“The gist is that contrary to long-held assumptions, large amounts of temperature rise are not necessarily locked into the Earth’s climate system. As soon as emissions are cut to zero, temperature rise can stop within as little as three years. Three years, not the 30 to 40 years that I for one have been reporting for a long time and that most of us as journalists thought was the scientific consensus. So the upshot of this revised science is that humanity can still limit temperature rise to the 1.5 degree Celsius target, but only if we take strong action starting now."
碳循环“class=Nasa/Globe Program / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0

" data-caption="Global Carbon Cycle" data-expand="300" id="mntl-sc-block-image_1-0-6" data-tracking-container="true">

NASA/Globe计划/ flickr / cc by-sa 2.0

碳循环是众所周知的,事实也是,人类比树木快地将二氧化碳蒸发速度,海洋可以吸收它们。但是多年来,我们一直在说,即使我们现在停止将CO2添加到大气中,温度也会不断上升。我们还一直在谈论与变暖程度直接相关的碳预算。但是气候科学家迈克尔·曼(Michael Mann)认为这可能很简单。


“The CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is like the water level in your sink. If you have the faucet on and the drain closed, that water level is rising and it’ll continue to rise. As long as that situation is there, the CO2 will continue to rise. When you turn off the faucet, it’ll stop rising. That’s a fixed carbon dioxide concentration. But actually, we’ve got the drain open. The drains are those natural sinks. So the faucet is off and the drain is opening. That means the water level’s going to come down. That’s really the crux of the carbon cycle dynamics, if you will, the technical term that we use for that. So we were for too long communicating the analogy of the faucet being turned off and the water level stops rising, but we weren’t talking about the drain being open."


这是在气候新闻网站上的讨论,关于如何使用这些信息来改变我们谈论气候变化的方式有很多讨论。As Scientific American editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth noted, "The challenge of our careers is to not be unremittingly grim, to be honest and completely clear about what’s happening, but not make it seem hopeless or reveal in which ways it’s not hopeless."

赫特斯加德,曼恩和国际气候变化与发展中心萨利穆尔·赫克(Saleemul Huq)将所有这些变成了所有这些华盛顿邮报的文章他们重申这些信息并不是什么新鲜事物,而是被“无意间埋葬”政府间气候变化小组(IPCC)报告。但是现在已经挖了起来,应该很好地利用它。


这不是新闻,也不是改变游戏规则的人,它确实是旋转的,是数据的积极介绍,因为正如赫特斯加德(Hertsgaard)在网络研讨会中指出的那样:“社会科学研究表明,人们非常疲倦。普通人看着他们。the news, it’s all bad news. If it bleeds, it leads. I’m tired of that. So they tune us out." I certainly see that Treehugger readers are tired.


  1. 沃尔什(Walsh),布莱恩(Brian),CIAIS,P。等。“平衡二氧化碳排放和水槽的途径。”自然通讯8,14856(2017)。doi:10.1038/ncomms14856

  2. 20.如果停止了温室气体的排放,气候会在200年前回归吗?皇家社会

  3. 分析:还剩多少“碳预算”将全球变暖限制为1.5C?碳浮雕