


Rosmarie Wirz / Getty IMages

Hail, the irregularly shaped lumps of ice that tumble out of the sky during thunderstorms, is a puzzling precipitation type. It's made of ice and common during the spring and summer months, yet it resembles winter's sleet and graupel. The explanation of how this is possible lies overhead: Although outdoor temperatures might be 70, 80, or 90 degrees F outside your door, tens of thousands of feet aloft, temperatures are typically freezing, 32 degrees F and below.

Although most convective thunderstorms produce hail, not all thunderstorms drop hailstones on the ground, according to NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL).尽管如此,在过去的十年中,美国每年造成的冰雹每年造成8至140亿美元的财产损失。

How Does Hail Form?

Hail is born deep inside the belly of towering cumulonimbus clouds, which can extend 40,000 to 60,000 feet into the atmosphere. (To get a feeling for how high that is, most commercial airliners cruise at altitudes of31,000 to 38,000 feet。。但是,他们的中区通常是发现冰点水平的地方。雷暴内部的上升气流可以将雨滴吹入冰点区域,从而导致它们变成冰晶。然后,这些冰种子与邻近的冰晶和过冷的云液滴相撞,将其冻结到其表面上,从而生长成冰雹。

What Is an Updraft?

An updraft is an upward moving air current inside a thunderstorm. It forms when areas of warm, moist air become hotter than their surrounding beplay体育官网电脑environment, and thereby, rise. Known as “convection,” this rising motion is what powers thunderstorms and other kinds of severe weather.


Lift a hailstone up too high—to the top levels of a thunderstorm where cloud temperatures can easily measure around minus 60 degrees F, for example—and it won't grow. That’s because at temperatures that cold, all liquid water, even supercooled water, will have frozen into ice. And hail needs liquid water or a water-ice blend in order to aggregate.


Supercooled water is water that remains in a liquid state despite being surrounded by below-freezing air. Only water in its purest form can supercool. It'll resist freezing until temperatures lower to around负40度F,或直到它撞到一个物体为止,它将冻结在其上。

A hailstone’s collision-accumulation cycle can repeat multiple times, but typically not for longer than 30 minutes, since thunderstorms typically don’t live much longer than this.

At What Speed Does Hail Fall?


How fast a hailstone falls varies depending on the hailstone’s size and shape, the frictional force between it and the surrounding air, the degree of melting during its journey, and local wind conditions. According to NSSL, hail’s terminal fall speed (the maximum speed it can reach before gravity’s acceleration balances air resistance) ranges from about 10 mph for very small hailstones to 100 mph for baseball-size and larger hailstones.

What Determines Hailstone Size?

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According to the National Weather Service, updraft speeds of around 24 mph are needed to sustain even some of Mother Nature’s smallest hailstones, such as pea-size hail. As for the 8-inch diameter, 1.93-pound hailstone that fell in Vivian, South Dakota, in June 2010, and ranks as the widest and heaviest hailstone in the United States, meteorologists estimate it was supported by a 160 to 180 mph-strong updraft.

熔化在确定冰雹撞击一旦将是什么尺寸的角色发挥作用。一旦冰雹降至云的冰点水平以下(每年的云,每年的时间和地理位置)就会开始融化。According to the National Weather Service office in Louisville, Kentucky, if a hailstone falls through a layer of warm air that's 11,000 feet or thicker, it typically won’t survive its journey to the ground and will instead arrive at the surface as what it began: a raindrop.

  1. 恶劣天气101-冰雹。”国家严重风暴实验室

  2. 天气,气候和灾难洞察。” Aon,2019年。

  3. Life Cycle of a Thunderstorm。”国家海洋与大气管理局。

  4. Record Setting Hail Event in Vivian, South Dakota on July 23, 2010。”国家海洋与大气管理局。

  5. ENV参数和索引。”国家海洋与大气管理局。